Being a parent or carer of a child with eczema can be incredibly challenging at times. Our members often tell us that they feel guilty and frustrated, especially when treatments do not seem to be helping or they cannot access the support they need. Whilst every family is different, and your needs are unique, we are here to listen and support you.

Get personalised support from our experienced team

Talk to the team at Eczema Outreach Support to find a listening ear from someone who understands the impact eczema can have on the whole family. We are passionate about helping you to feel more confident on your eczema journey and are here for you when you need us.

When you join us as a member, one of the team will contact you to offer you a call at a time that suits you. Whilst most of our members benefit from the call when they first join, for other families the timing may not be right. We know how unpredictable eczema can be and we are here to talk when you need us, so you can contact us at any point to arrange a call.

What does our personalised support mean to our members?

The biggest thing for me is knowing there is support at the end of the phone, getting reassurance that I am doing ok and doing my best. Pointing me in right direct of where to go for support like contacting the GP or dermatology department and knowing that it’s ok to ask questions and to speak up about what I think my child needs.

EOS have really helped us through some dark and difficult times. The support is phenomenal, and I love that we can get advice from others who have been in similar situations. My daughter’s confidence has grown since becoming a member of this group. She no longer feels alone.

Get reliable information through our tailored Welcome Pack and resources

When you join Eczema Outreach Support, we will send you a personalised welcome pack full of resources for you and your child. The pack is full of information on managing your child’s eczema, the importance of eczema treatments, potential triggers, and lots more.

Your child will also receive age-appropriate resources to help them to understand their eczema, why their treatments are important and practical resources to help them to manage their eczema. They will also receive information about our virtual club – The High 5 Club for our members aged 3-10.

What do our members say about our welcome pack?

The welcome pack was so welcomed. I feel if I had got this welcome pack at my first GP appointment for expected eczema then I wouldn’t have been back and forth as much as I was particularly in the beginning.

We received our amazing [welcome] packs the boys are over the moon with theirs and I’m delighted with all the information I’ve received thank you so much! I really appreciate letting us register with yourselves and it’s a weight lifted off our shoulders to know we have some support from those who understand.

When we received the welcome pack, my daughter was so excited to receive something for herself and full of information that could help her. There were also the stories about others affected that really struck a chord with her.

As well as the physical symptoms that eczema causes like being itchy and painful, it can have an impact on lots of other parts of our lives. Living with the symptoms of eczema, and having to work hard to manage it, can affect how we feel, what we do, and our relationships with other people. For example, eczema can cause low mood, anxiety, appearance worries, and sleep issues, to name a few.  

Our new wellbeing page provides tips and resources on how to manage these issues and live well with eczema.

Find out more

Challenges with engagement in treatment/healthcare appointments

We recognise there may be challenges that parent/carers face when supporting a child to engage with treatments and attending health care appointments, especially if their child has additional needs and sensory issues. So please have a look at our leaflet for some tips and tricks to help you both.

Our Facebook Group

We know that there can be a lot of ups and downs on your child’s eczema journey, and it can feel like no one really understands what you are going through. Our members tell us that they have often felt this way at some point and talking to other families at our events or on our closed Facebook group can make such a difference.

Our members can connect with other parents and carers by joining our closed Facebook group. The group is a safe place for you to share your experiences, support each other and share hints and tips around living with eczema in the family. The team at Eczema Outreach Support moderate this group to make it a safe place for everyone.

What do our members say about our Facebook Group and events?

The Facebook parents’ group is great for support. It’s nice to know there is somewhere to go to talk and they understand what you are going through, and you don’t feel alone.

The Facebook group and organised events have been brilliant, we feel less alone in the battle we have with the eczema.

Our Events

Our events are a fantastic way to connect with other families, feel less isolated and learn more about eczema. We love meeting our members at events and can’t wait to welcome you to one of our future events.

Want to find out more about our events? Check out our Events page.

What do our members say about our events?

My child gained a lot from the event, especially listening to the nurse specialist who did a talk about eczema.” 

I wouldn’t hesitate to attend another if it was close enough to get to.

Best webinar I have ever attended, very informative

Get support for your child

See our High Five Club for children aged 3-10 and  Support for teenagers for children aged 11-17.

What do our members say about our clubs?

My child feels less alone with her condition. She has met and talked with others. She feels empowered to be part of a club that the rest of the family are not and she feels more positive about these things

The charity has helped my kids understand and see that eczema happens to others too. My 7yo used to cry and get frustrated all the time but now that I have shown her proof that there are other kids out there in the same boat and not just her and her sisters, she is less frustrated and managing her despair better.

Support in School

We understand that school can be a tricky environment for children with eczema

Click to find out more

Eczema Care Online

If you would like further support and access to medical information, visit Eczema Care Online (ECO).

Eczema Outreach Support were part of the team of health experts and patients who designed ECO. We brought the experiences and voices of our 3,500+ member families throughout its development to help ensure that ECO would be a useful and relevant tool for families living across the UK.

Useful links

Eczema Info

Eczema products

Organisations our members have found helpful:

Scratch sleeves

Eczema Clothing


High 5 Club – For children aged 3-10

The High 5 Club is only for children aged 3-10 – no adults allowed!

Find out more

Support for teenagers

for young people aged 10-17

Find out more

Support in Schools and Nursery

Find out the help we can offer at your child’s school.

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