Eczema and Dinosaurs

Our family day tickets are live on Eventbrite and the countdown to Saturday 4 March is on!

In hindsight planning a wedding (eek!) and a family day for the same month has been a slightly stressful but an enjoyable experience. I have even managed to incorporate cake into both events.

So, where and what is happening at this event apart from eating cake?

In less than a month the EOS team will be traveling down to Newcastle. I already can’t wait for my train coffee and time with a good book – book recommendations are welcome.

We will be spending the day with you lovely lot at the Great North Museum: Hancock. So, if you have a dinosaur loving family member this venue is for you. There is also a planetarium, mummies to meet and colourful galleries to explore.

We have Jane and Tracey joining us for the day too. They have been helping with the planning and creating excitement for the day. Both can’t wait to meet you all and offer support in two different ways.

Jane is a Paediatric Eczema Nurse Specialist who will be on hand to chat and offer support. We have made sure to factor in plenty time for discussions and questions. Tracey is from Relax Kids who will be on hand with calming activities. These will help support mental health and emotional wellbeing.

We will also have a teen table for our teen family members. I am about to say goodbye to my twenties so my knowledge about what is cool is questionable. Fear not, I will be checking in with our Youth Panel as they keep me right and in the know.

My favourite thing about attending an EOS event (online or in person) is having the opportunity to bring everyone together. I also can talk for Scotland, so having the chance to catch up with our families is always a pleasure. Our hopes for the day are for you to connect with other families who just get the ups and downs of eczema.

Hopefully we will see you there… along with a dinosaur or two!