Move 5 to help kids with eczema thrive

October 1-10 2024

Every year we ask our members and supporters to get moving to help children and young people with eczema.

Last year EOS supported more than 4000 children and young people with eczema – and their families too. We sent out more than 800 welcome packs and delivered over 125 hours of support to members over the phone. More than 500 children learned about eczema through our school workshops.

We want to do that again.

Sign up for Move 5

What will your Move 5 challenge be?

Whether you are 3 years old or 93 you can take part in ‘Move 5’. Put on your walking shoes or running vest, grab your bike, scooter or your roller skates and pick a challenge that suits you involving the number 5. 

Ideas for kids:

Jumping jack for 5 minutes

Scoot to school 5 days in a row

Swim 5 lengths of the pool

500 Jumps on the trampoline

Walk 5K

Cycle or wheel 5 laps of your local park

Play football, hockey, netball or your favourite sport for 50 minutes

Ideas for parents/carers:

Cycle 5o miles

Run 5K

Swim 5000 miles

Walk 50K over the 10 days of Move 5

Take a look at our Move 5 fundraising pack for more ideas, fundraising tips, advice and materials.

Sign up for Move 5

Our Fundraising Star Reagan took to his bike and did 5 laps of his local football pitch.

“Reagan loves football and being on his bike but his eczema means it can be hard for him. When he gets too hot and sticky, his eczema can flare and he can become very uncomfortable.”

He wanted to get involved in the fundraiser and raise money for Eczema Outreach Support so more kids with eczema can get help and support.

Reagan’s story
Sign up for Move 5

Take a look at our Move 5 fundraising pack for more ideas, fundraising tips, advice and materials.

All children who take part will receive a Move 5 certificate and an EOS medal

Peyton’s Walk  5 Challenge

Peyton raises over £300 for EOS

Find out more

Max’s Walk 5 Challenge

Max takes on Walk 5 challenge for his little sister

Find out more


pick your city, pick you distance and make sure to pick Eczema Outreach Support as your charity. 

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