
About Jo Harwood

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So far Jo Harwood has created 2 blog entries.

Ask Moira: Sleepovers

By |2025-02-25T14:03:37+00:00March 1st, 2025|Ask Moira, News, Tips and advice|

Dear Moira I wonder if you have any advice? My 9-year-old is desperate to go for a sleepover with her friends, but she has never been away from home before and is anxious about her skin being bad. I want to let her go but am worried it will make her worse.  

Challenge yourself in 2025 and run for EOS

By |2024-12-19T14:10:03+00:00January 1st, 2025|Blogs, News|

Are you ready to try something new with running? Whether you want to take on the ultimate challenge of a full marathon or are simply aiming to get back off the sofa after Christmas, a fundraising run is a great way to give yourself a little push into a major accomplishment.  Take a

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