World Atopic Eczema Day

World Atopic Eczema Day2024-09-09T09:24:33+00:00
World Atopic Eczema Day 2024 #EczemaItGetUnderYourSkin

World Atopic Eczema Day, marked on the 14th September, raises awareness of eczema across the world, increasing understanding and ensures everyone know eczema is more than itchy skin. This years theme is Eczema – it gets under your skin widening knowledge of the mental health impact having eczema can have.

This year we will be hosting four events centred around mental health during the week of World Eczema Day. Focusing on support for all ages, there will be both a parent/carers and children’s peer support session.

High 5 Kids Club

Monday 16 September 16:00

When the summer holidays are over, come along and meet your H5C friends. This session, for EOS members ages 7-12, we will focus on the theme of World Eczema Day, Eczema – it gets under your skin. We will look at feelings, frustrations and how eczema makes us feel.

Grab a Cuppa

Thursday 19 September 10:30

Pop the kettle on, pour yourself a cuppa and come along our online parent/carer peer support session*. Meet some of the EOS team and have the opportunity to chat with other families.

This session will focus on our World Eczema Day theme, Eczema – it gets under your skin. We will concentrate on the mental health impact eczema can have on both the child or young person with the condition and the adult caring for them. 

Eczema - It gets under your skin with Dr Tess McPherson

Eczema – It gets under your skin

Thursday 10 October 19:30 – 20:30 (followed by our AGM 20:30-21:00)

Join EOS staff as Dr Tess McPherson talks about the impact eczema can have on mental health. A question and answer will be included in the session.

Open to EOS members only.

Listening to and supporting my child

Listening to and supporting my child

Tuesday 29 October 12:00-13:30

Parent and carer wellbeing session ‘Listening to and supporting my child’ run by SAMH. Understand how to support your child’s mental wellbeing while managing a long-term condition such as eczema.

Managing my wellbeing

Managing my Wellbeing 

Tuesday 5 November 18:30-20:00

Teen wellbeing session ‘Managing my Wellbeing’ for ages 14-18, run by SAMH. Understand how to support your mental wellbeing while managing a long-term condition such as eczema.

To book your/your child’s space check your EOS newsletter.

Not an EOS member? Join us for free. 

*Please note: Children are welcome but conversation topics may be sensitive so we ask that adult supervision is required.
Cancellations: If you register for the event and can no longer attend please let us know so we can give the space to another High 5 Club member. You can email us directly or alternatively use Eventbrite to cancel.
Please note we will take photos at our events to be used on our social media channels. Please let us know if you do not wish your child to be part of the photo and we can turn their camera off for the purposes of the photo.

Help a child with eczema this world eczema day!

These members shared their reasons for making World Eczema Day 2024


 Our Previous World Atopic Eczema Days

Get Support

EOS supports 4,000 children with eczema across the UK and their families.

Find out more

Move 5 Challenge

Every May we hold the Move 5 Challenge – could you walk 5km, bike 5 miles or do five laps of your local park to raise money for EOS?

Find out more

Youth Panel

If you are aged 16-24 you can join our youth panel and make a real difference to children and young people with eczema.

Find out more
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