It is Volunteers Week (June 3-9), a week long celebration of the amazing contribution  volunteers make to charities and non profits.

Eczema Outreach Support has lots of volunteers that contribute to our work every single week. We couldn’t operate without them.
We have
  • A small team that help make up the welcome packs that every new members receives when they join EOS
  • A youth panel that advocate for children and young people with eczema
  • Our board who give up their time to guide decision making
  • Event volunteers to make sure our meet ups go without a hitch
  • Our fundraising and admin assistant
  •  Volunteer fundraisers  that carry out fundraisers and challenges and are vital to ensuring EOS can continue to support all 4000 members.
Jane is our fundraising and admin assistant and she gives up one day a week to help organise and communicate with all our fundraisers.
She sends out fundraising packs, checks in with those taking part in races and challenges and makes sure everyone is thanked for their efforts.
Jane joined EOS last year and says she has got a lot back from giving some time.
“I had been a stay at home mum for a long time and my kids are all a bit older now. I’ve volunteered with their various interests and activities before, but I was looking for something more regular.
“I live in Linlithgow near the EOS office and know they do great work, so I asked if there was a position I could volunteer with.
“I was a bit apprehensive about joining an office after so long out of the workplace, but everyone has been lovely and I’ve got a lot back from voluntering. It’s boosted my confidence and given something that is mine. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and get a lot of satisfaction from helping.”
Jane says the best bit about her role is being the point of contact for fundraisers and getting to be the first to thank them for signing up and the first to thank them for raising money.
“I am lucky to have the time to give EOS, but there are lots of more casual roles too.  You could give a few hours to help at an EOS event, or organise a fundraiser of your own, like a supermarket bag pack or charity night in your local pub.
“If you are considering becoming a volunteer, I’d urge anyone to go for it. You can help a cause close to your heart and it feels lovely to know you are helping a good cause.”
If you are interested in volunteering with EOS, contact info@