Dear Moira

I wonder if you have any advice? My 9-year-old is desperate to go for a sleepover with her friends, but she has never been away from home before and is anxious about her skin being bad. I want to let her go but am worried it will make her worse.  

When a child has severe eczema, simple things like having a sleepover at a friend or relative’s house, or even a school camp, can be a daunting experience. They will be sleeping in a new bed, may not apply their creams or prescriptions properly, or may come into contact with something that might make their skin worse. These are all fears that families may face.  

As parents we want our children to experience things like their peers do and to have fun, since eczema can be isolating enough for them. So, what could you do to manage the situation as best as you can? 

At EOS we always share with families about the importance of good communication with anyone who may be involved in your child’s life, whether that’s an adult at school, a relative or even the parents of your child’s friend. Making sure that everyone understands your child’s condition and what is involved in their care is really important. 

You could start by visiting the other house. Perhaps you could chat through your child’s eczema and discuss if there is anything in the other house that could trigger her skin and if this can be avoided in any way. Explain about your child’s treatment and when/how it needs to be applied. This may help to reassure you that your child’s treatment will be supported when they are away from home.  

Another option would be to send your child with their own bedding and pillow, so you can be sure that they are not sleeping in bedding that hasn’t been washed sensitively. Have all your child’s treatments in a bag for them to access easily and ensure your child is confident to apply it when needed or to get support from the adult in the house, if you are comfortable with this. 

Good communication between you and the other family can help reduce anxieties, and make the transition between one home to another a little easier.  

Moira is the Service Lead at EOS and has years of experience working with children and their families. If you have a non medical question to ask Moira, you can email it to and we will try to answer it.Â