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Donating online is the quickest way for us to receive your money, but you can also donate by cheque.

Please send it to Eczema Outreach Support, Tam Dalyell House, 93 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7EZ. 

If you are a UK taxpayer we can also claim Gift Aid on your cheque donation – giving us 25% more at no extra cost to you. Please download and complete the Gift Aid Form and send it with your cheque.

The amazing things your donations can do

There are many different costs associated with running a support charity. You can see our full annual report here, but below are a few examples of some of our costs.

A School Workshop

– £84

45 mins support phone call – £23

An average Welcome Pack – £26

When you donate to EOS we can make sure that:

  • Families managing eczema receive a welcome pack filled with information for parents and children
  • Parents get support over the phone when things get tough
  • Children with eczema have a chance to know they are not alone
  • Schools can access support to help their pupils with eczema more effectively

My daughter feels so much better knowing she’s not alone and knowing there are so many other children like her.

My confidence in applying the treatments has increased. I think this has helped my baby as I’m calmer, which helps him to be calm too.

The welcome pack gave me the tools to explain eczema to my daughter. She loves the Itchy-saurus dinosaur book you sent and we read it often.

Gift in Wills

You can leave a lasting legacy for children with eczema by leaving a gift in your Will

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EOS supports over 4,000 children with eczema across the UK, and their families too

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